Sunday, December 22, 2013

2014 expectations

Since I just wrote (or rather ramble or scribble) about this year, I guess it is normal for me to write about what you (and I) can expect  for 2014.
  1. Better posts (not only in terms of recipes, but also in terms of writing and creativity)
  2. More regular posting
  3. More organised posts (i.e more theme-induced posts- celebrations, tips, etc)
  4. and a lot more.
Of course I will try my best to keep those promises. However you know how life can be 'tricky',  making it hard to keep up and things pop up out of nowhere (especially when you are least expecting them- yes out of the blue). In these times it is good to remind yourself that all these are part of life and no matter what, these moments will occur here and there. Remember: a cheerful attitude towards life gives one strength to face adversity boldly and courageously. Embrace life with positivity. It brings back a quote from 'The Alchemist', which was something similar to when you work towards something with all your heart, all the forces of nature will work with you and make that thing happen. Now that I have side-tracked again, I have no idea how to continue/ finish this post (my bad). So I will end it here with a guess:
Where do snowmen dance?


At a snowball ;)

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