Thursday, December 26, 2013

Note to self

Sometimes it's hard to believe the things that can happen to you (suddenly, out of a blue moon, blowing you away/apart). Yet, I do believe that these moments occur for a reason (not that you will know about the latter nonetheless, but has to accept whatever it is). Now now, this is not a pessimistic post or a rant, it's simply a personal post to myself. I wanted to tell myself that despite everything, the fact that I'm here and typing right now is just a sign of life. Isn't it a symbol. Yes I did spend quite some time figuring out symbolism out of every single happenings (until I cannot even remember). Anyway I just wanted to say that life changes and you have to accept that, you learn and grow everyday (all for the best). You are perfect just the way you are and no matter what, so long there is a hope (even the tiniest), you believe in yourself and are true to yourself, you can survive everything, anything. Okay, on this note, I shall bring back my old self and leave place to many future cooking ventures and posts. Let's not forget that the new year is right the corner, which means that the festive season is not over and I should spend even more time in the kitchen. Yes, that's life, isn't it beautiful ;)
Right, I wish you all happy end of year celebrations. Be safe and take care. Oh, and without forgetting happy cooking and eating. Three cheers ! :)

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