Friday, January 15, 2016

Flashback Friday

It's been a busy week, meaning I have made great use of my time to learn, create, discover and try new things. I like how once you notice something, you come across that thing on many occasions from then on- like a vegetable you never cooked with and once you did, you coincidentally stumble across many recipes using it. I tried a lot of new dishes this week and I am very pleased with myself.
I'm improving and I can see it from the practice. When you do something repeatedly, you develop reflexes and can learn from your mistakes.
Back to basics, this is an overview of meals and dishes I prepared this week.

Corned beef spaghetti with avo, radish, grape tomato and spinach
Light lunch with some tuna to go, avo and some grape tomato and radish
Lentil soup
Broccoli stirfry and cabbage chicken stirfry with lentil soup
Frozen pizzas
...with some veggies
Zucchini carrot bites
Fried rice
Avo on toast, miso soup, mixed salad and grape tomatoes
Broccoli, chicken, mushroom and carrot stirfry
Fried rice with broccoli stirfry with potato leek soup
Broccoli stirfry, carrot omelette and potato leek soup

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