Friday, January 22, 2016

Flashback Friday

This week has been crazy. I mean it. Well, it's been mostly crazy and then very stressful. However, I am glad I've gone through this week because it's been good in its own good way- a learning curve, a stepping stone for me. It's funny how every day appears so similar, but yet is so different from each other lately- probably all the time, but I simply didn't notice due to lack of attention.

Back on topic, this is an overview of this week's meals. 

Sardine, corn and tomato salad on toast
Speck fried rice
Fried rice served with miso soup
Chicken, broccoli stir fry and a mushroom stirf ry
Beef potato carrot pea curry
Ingredients for my fried noodles

Big pot of fried noodles for my bro's birthday
Some deep-fried calamari - the best- and some onion rings
Vegetarian briyani made by a relative
Cabbage chicken stir fry, broccoli stir fry and miso soup

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