Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Galette des Rois and Mixed berries Custard Tart

This is simply a photo round of my galette des rois and custard mixed berry fruit tart.

I have been making Galette des Rois over several years now for the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. I especially like it- I mean who doesn't like flaky pastry and sweet almond filling. I personally cannot wait to bake it around that special day. I have posted my recipe here.

As for the custard fruit tart, this was quite simple to assemble. Firstly I fully baked a semi-sweet shortcrust pastry tart. Then I cooked some custard (using custard powder). Once cooled, I whipped up some cream until stiff peak and fold it into the custard. The result is a light and creamy 'custardy' filling perfect for my tart. I covered my cooled tart base with some melted chocolate. After it has firmed up, I poured the filling and then topped it up with some frozen berries. I did not take care to defrost them- my mistake. If I ever do it again, I would used fresh berries as the frozen berries released a lot of water into my filling which did not set the filling as expected. Anyway, you learn from your mistakes. Otherwise the tart was delicious and thanks to the chocolate film, the base remained super crunchy.

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