Friday, December 4, 2015

Flashback Friday

Yesterday I went to Cockburn Shopping Centre and the Christmas decorations were so sparkly and well designed. There were lot of silvers ornaments, shiny mirror stars pendents and it definitely felt very Christmassy. I got a digital thermometer which I will use to experiment some sweet recipes.

Today is Friday and I shall follow my routine post of an overview of this week's cooking.

Corn soup with  chicken and cabbage stir fry and zucchini
Baked sweet potato and avocado
Lentil soup with chicken cabbage stirfry
Pork medaillon, sweet potato chips, mushrooms and salad
Sardine, avo, corn, grape tomato and mixed salad wrap
Tuna vindaye sandwich with salad, grape tomato and a slice of my tart
Beef casserole and green beans
Miso soup from the packet
Creamy pasta and avo

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