Thursday, December 17, 2015

Random fruit basket post

I always enjoy keeping a basket or two of fresh fruits. Fruits are rich in nutritional values that your body needs to keep you healthy. Also, having different variety of them allows you to freshen up your taste buds.
This week I tried fresh fig for the first time ever. I did tried dried fig, but not fresh ones. They are quite hard to find it seems. Anyway, I thought it had a really nice texture. It was not overly sweet, just a little tangy from the flesh and lot of crunchiness from the seeds. I wish I could have one just now.
Apart from this,  I also had my first bite into a red radish. Honestly it was not an enjoyable one. It was very bitter and I was left with a bitter after taste. However, after I combined it with some salad, the taste was quite mild and I started to appreciate the flavour. It just tastes like a daikon, in my opinion. 
The daily recommendation of fruits and vegetables are 2 and 5 respectively. I know 2 serves of fruits is not a lot. I usually have more than 2 serves on a regular basis. I think it's better to have another fruit than say a slice of cake or two biscuits.

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