Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sweet raw chocolaty balls (Recipe)

I really enjoy eating these raw sweet treats. I think that's why they are also called bliss balls. This one is fairly quick to make. It consists of only 5 ingredients and will definitely satisfy any sweet cravings.
Moreover, each is pack-full with healthy nutrients, so you do not have to feel too guilty after having one or two...or three.


Makes: 14 balls

1/2 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup nuts (I used a mix of cashew and almonds)
2 tbs cocoa powder
2 tbs cocoa nibs
Dessicated coconut (optional, to coat)

1. Soak pitted dates in hot water to re-hydrate them.
2. In a food processor, process nuts, then the dates, followed by the cocoa powder and nibs.
3. Blend until all come together. If too dry, add some of the dates water.
4. Roll into balls. I used an small ice-cream scoop to measure.
5. Cover with the coconut if desired or with more cocoa powder. It's all up to you.

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