Sunday, July 7, 2013


I have always like to eat buns. In Mauritius, it is called 'Brioche' and is quite similar to cross buns without the filling - raisins or chocolate.

Here I came across a different kind of buns but equally delicious. There are different kinds and flavours. There are coconut ones, red bean, pork, sausage and custard, amongst others.
My favourite is the pineapple custard bun. It is so-called because of the crust which is made of pineapple syrup and after it cooks, it forms like the outside of a pineapple.

Don't they look yummy?

To be honest, I would rather not try and make them because it seems much easier to buy them from the shops. Yes, sometimes it is much simpler to buy from the shop. Haha if not there will not be bakery to sell them.

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