Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chicken rice soup with celery, carrot and potato (recipe)

This is a soup that my mum usually made when I was little and would always request her to. This soup is so delicious; it is a combination of veggies that go so well together. I trust that celery is made for that soup; it would not taste the same without it. This soup is perfect on a cold night. It will definitely keep you warm.

Yesterday was my first time cooking it. Yes, I am trying a multitude of  recipes lately, learning so much. Watching or reading a recipe is not enough until you actually 'put your hands in the dough'. I can second that. Alright, so I was quite sceptical about the way the soup will turn out- you know that incertitude of doing something for the first time . Anyway I went through all the steps and despite being quite hectic in the kitchen, it tasted just quite like my mum's- which is amazing. I ended making a casserole full of it, definitely more that I expected. No complaints though.


 Recipe (I'm quite new at this but this is how I cook the soup yesterday. Writing while it is still fresh in my mind hehe)

 5-6 drumstick depending on the size
1 bunch of celery, sliced thinly
5 carrots, shredded
6 potatoes, cut into 1cm cube
1 litre chicken stock
2 tsp chicken stock powder
1 1/2 cup of rice, rinsed about 2 times.
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook the drumstick, by putting in boiling water (about 2 litres) and let simmer for about 30 minutes, until the meat come of the bone quite easily. Remove any excess fat of the water surface.

2. In the meantime, bring you chicken stock to a simmer. Put in the celery, carrots and potatoes. Cover and let cook for about 15 minutes.

3.Once you chicken is ready, do not throw out the water. Reserve stock. Pull out the meat of the bone finely.

4. Put about 4 cups of the reserved stock in the pot with the vegetable and put you rice in, stir and let cook. Also add the chicken.

5. Once the rice starts to cook, add in the chicken stock powder. Add salt and pepper per tasting.
The soup should be ready to be served.

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