Saturday, July 20, 2013

Choc orange muffin

Alright, I do have a lot of posting to catch up with hehe. I will start off by the choc orange muffin I made last week. I am sure that you know how fond I am with the choc orange flavour. Those two combination goes so well together. Recently I seem to get a lot of 'on the spur' moments in terms of recipes I want to try. So the idea comes to my mind and I simply google the words and bang I have my recipe. I was especially looking for a recipe that have real orange juice as ingredient, not only the zest. So I find this one. Mine was slightly bake off a lil more. It was so yummy to eat the muffin once it came out of the oven (okay slightly cooled down). It was so delicious. I ate two in a row haha.

Ready to go in the oven
Out of the oven
Cooling down on the wire rack

Trying the first one yumm
...and the second one :)
 I would say to eat them on the day itself because it becomes less moist and soft after.

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