Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tea time

I like drinking tea, especially green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, it helps in fortifying the teeth, cleansing the body  amongst others. I always feel better after having a cup or two. Another thing about tea in general, is that they are better options than soft drinks or juice as they are sugar-free.

I also have mint tea. It is said to help in digestion. I think mint flavour is great.

I am not a fan of black tea, but I will gladly have it with milk, even though I will not make it at my free will. I used to like milk tea because it is in fact a very typical drink in Mauritius. Now I like it in bubble tea.

Anyway, one thing of caution is that tea does not replace water. So even if you are having one or more cups of tea, you still have maintain your level of water intake (1.5-2 litre per day).

One more thing is about caffeine. I read somewhere that normally tea will have the same amount of caffeine as coffee which makes me believe that decaf tea is a safer option (maybe).

Having said that, I usually have one to two cups of green tea with mint tea daily. It just make me feel better afterwards.

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