Friday, August 16, 2013

Chocolate marble cake

This is my second time baking a cake. This is my first time trying the marble effect. I was so willing to make that cake. I follow this recipe. I have no idea why I wanted to make it so badly. Anyway got to like those 'on-the'spur' moments. They are kind of refreshing and you know that in cooking there are always some kind of apprehension regarding the results. It does for me. So I am really excited but worried somehow about having a happy outcome. Ultimately it's only by trying that you'll find out. I use this as a driving force to push me to try new things, which is good. You always need to have a motive or a good spirit in everything you like or want to achieve. Back to the cake, I made it and I think it looked great. It was a lil bit dry but so nice.


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