Saturday, August 3, 2013

Macaron #2 with chocolate ganache

Macaron attempt #2. This time as well I did a few mishaps which means that the macarons were still not perfect. Tastewise, it was great. I would say the problem is still with the look of it, because it was cracked a little bit on the top due to under-folding. As for the brownish top, it was because I mistakenly put the oven at 160 degrees instead of 150 (duh!). Another thing is that the macarons did not have feet too this time. Oh well. What I can say though is that my piping skill has vastly improve over the last time haha. This time I made a chocolate ganache which is quite simple to make (mix about 1/3 heavy cream and  125 grams of dark chocolate on low heat until well combined and let rest). Anyway, hopefully the third attempt would be successful. My biggest challenge ever: to get them just right.

Wow I got a twin one haha
My chocolate ganache- see how shiny the texture is, that's how it should be

Indulgence time...starts now.

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