Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fried rice

Had enough of seafood.? Well, let's get back to business with fried-rice. I cannot believe I have not post anything about it yet. Fried rice is the basic-'est' dish ever. Okay I would say mine is pretty simply or ordinary. It is essentially the best way to make use of left-over rice.
Alright so how do I usually make my fried rice. Ingredients you need to have: soy sauce, fish sauce, sesame oil and oyester sauce. You might as well have some cooking wine handy.
First you cook your frozen veggies, with some oil. Then in the same pan, cook the egg, mix around. Toss in the rice. Add all the sauces and vary the amounts per tasting. Do not be afraid to taste. I should tell myself this more often I reckon too. There. Now this is not the perfect picture ever but at least the colours are there.

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