Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sauteed string bean

Oh dear, I have not eaten those like since ages. Eating them again simply bring back memories of my home country.This is probably one of the first vegetable I actually like to eat, because remember like any other child, I was not a vegetable-eater fan. So yeah I basically cooked it the way my mum taught me and the taste was ridiculously identical to the one back at home. This just make me remember about how time goes so fast. I cannot believe that now I cooking on my own. This is one thought that never strike me before. It is a happy thought to know that cooking came slowly but smoothly for me.

1 onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, minced
500 g string bean, snapped into 3cm long
salt to season

Basically you cook the onion and garlic until they change in colour.
Then add the string bean. Add some water and let simmer until all the water has been absorbed.
Continue doing so until the vegetable is tender. Season with salt and pepper.
Ready to go.

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