Saturday, August 24, 2013

Red lentils

This was my real first time cooking pulses. I love pulses. I mean this is the old-time favourite dish of the family. Anyway, back in my home country we used to have pulses like every week. We had lentils, yellow split beans, broad beans, kidney beans, and what else. This is so delicious. Well, I have not been having them a lot here. However, this is going to change now because I kind of learn how to cook them. This is awesome. So basically for the recipe, you need a pressure cooker. First, you rinse you pulses twice or thrice to remove of the dirt. Fry some onions and garlic with oil. Add some thyme. When the veggies are cooked, add your pulses and fill in with water enough to cover it about 2-3 centimetres. Add some chopped carrots. Then, close the lid and cooked for about 10-15 minutes or until the pressure cooker has released steam about 2-3 times. Remove all steam out and your soup should be ready. If not, let simmer for another 5 minutes or until well done. There you have it.


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